hi, I’m michaela!

Recovering people-pleaser, powerfully empathetic momma bear, and passionate advocate for feminine healing through sensual self-connection.

I'm into themed Disney movie nights, the way sun rays break through the clouds right after a storm, and the sound of the patriarchy crumbling as we destroy societal standards that were made only to enforce inferiority and keep us imprisoned to a hypermasculine world. I'm here to help sensitive souls connect with their true selves and finally break free from that inner mean girl- the one that's been a relentless bully, holding back the confident, self-nurturing, powerful, and peaceful spirit that can only be unleashed after leaning into the authentic self.

We're working through the inevitable trauma brought onto the feminine from a millenia of patriarchal bullshit controlling our subconscious beleifs about ourselves, making us feel unworthy, repressed, powerless, and somehow responsible.

I intend to show you that you are not the problem.

You're the solution.

Every answer worth searching for is already inside; it's just a matter of turning inward to discover the innate beauty of leaning into what feeds the soul. It's all about embracing the sensual side, connecting with the self, exploring the soul, and learning more about what nurtures that peaceful and powerful feeling.

I'm here to guide you through a self love experience that leaves you feeling more powerful, sensual, confident, and finally fucking free.

My services and teachings are all about learning to understand the language of our bodies as she communicates the needs and desires of our authentic self. I’ve found that embracing sensuality and self-connection naturally directs us towards a life of passion, power, and purpose. So go ahead, indulge in the pleasure of self-connection, and discover the endless beauty that already lies within you.

the beauty of

Offers & Teachings